Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Moodle is a unique tool to interact with students in a different way. It allows for collaborative online learning with students, as well as teachers. Moodle is a web-based program designed to help educators create an effective online learning community. Southeast Polk Senior High School uses Moodle in their classrooms. I feel like Moodle could be a very effective way for students to connect not only to other students but also to their teachers. It could really provide a unique way for students to do projects and other activities outside of class without the teacher having to be there. This could make projects and assignments much easier when a student has questions. Instead of the student being confused and not doing the project, they can simply check online for the assignment and for student comments about the assignment. Moodle could be very useful in many high school classrooms and eliminate the excuse of "I didn't get it" because everything is online for them to look at. Southeast Polk High School Moodle Site

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Khan Academy

Salman Khan started posting algebra videos for his cousins on YouTube. These led to the creation of over 2,000 videos that cover a variety of educational topics. I think incorporating videos like this into a classroom are an amazing idea. This type of learning gives the kids more opportunity to go at their own pace. They can review things they need more work on, move on to something more challenging, and rewind and pause something if they don't get it or need more time. This allows the kids much more freedom. They don't have to feel ashamed if they have to stop and have something repeated or need more time to work on a problem. I know that there aren't videos on everything we will cover in a class and it can be time consuming to make them for the kids to watch, but with videos like Mr. Khan's and many others on the web we can find information for a lot of our materials. Videos teaching a certain skill like Algebra can introduce a new topic, add more understanding, and teach kids that learn in a different way. They can be very instrumental in the classroom. Khan Academy

                                                  Attribution Some rights reserved by jurvetson

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mandatory iPad

A private school in Tennessee is now requiring all students fourth grade and up to purchase or lease an iPad for the upcoming 2011-2012 school year. The school feels that this idea of one iPad per student is the same concept as one laptop per student. However, the iPad is a more cost efficient way to implement technology in the their schools. I feel like this is an awesome idea to get kids to start using technology more. Having a device that is always readily available will increase the students learning drastically. At first, this change might be very drastic and hectic. Teachers will have to change their lesson plans to implement the iPad and be know how to be tech savvy when it comes to using the iPads. I think the hardest part will be keeping the students on task. The iPad is full of distraction with all the fun applications readily available and the internet all at the touch of a button. Also, it could be very hard for the teachers to figure out which students aren't on task when the students are using the iPad. Such a big incorporation of technology in a school can be an amazing thing but, it can also create different issues that will need to be addressed. iPad No Longer Optional

AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivative Works Some rights reserved by henke

Wednesday, February 9, 2011