Sunday, March 27, 2011

Khan Academy

Salman Khan started posting algebra videos for his cousins on YouTube. These led to the creation of over 2,000 videos that cover a variety of educational topics. I think incorporating videos like this into a classroom are an amazing idea. This type of learning gives the kids more opportunity to go at their own pace. They can review things they need more work on, move on to something more challenging, and rewind and pause something if they don't get it or need more time. This allows the kids much more freedom. They don't have to feel ashamed if they have to stop and have something repeated or need more time to work on a problem. I know that there aren't videos on everything we will cover in a class and it can be time consuming to make them for the kids to watch, but with videos like Mr. Khan's and many others on the web we can find information for a lot of our materials. Videos teaching a certain skill like Algebra can introduce a new topic, add more understanding, and teach kids that learn in a different way. They can be very instrumental in the classroom. Khan Academy

                                                  Attribution Some rights reserved by jurvetson

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