We then brainstormed different technologies we could use and decided on Google SketchUp. None of use had ever used Google SketchUp, so we had to learn it fast. Google SketchUp is a really cool program that is free and can be downloaded to your computer. I had a lot of fun playing around with it and creating random shapes. I also watched a lot of videos on it so that I would know it fairly well. Here's an example of a video I watched to learn more about using Google SketchUp.
When making a boundless playground on Google SketchUp we had to be very creative in thinking up different things to use. I think the students really enjoyed using Google SketchUp.
I think this project would have gone a lot better if we had had more time and an actual class. It's hard to condense a PBL into one class period when it would normally be 3-4 weeks long. I think that it would have been a lot more beneficial to have more time so the students could explore different ideas for boundless playgrounds and maybe even use something else to create it.
I understand your frustration with time, but now you know what to do in your classes.